Activation Spectacular - Selwyn Sports Trust

12 Jun

Our friendly team of coach Jo and volunteer Wendy have been meeting some of the awesome kids that go to school in Selwyn.  We have been excited to meet these kids and show them what synchro is all about as they rotate through different activities as part of Activation Spectacular 2023.

They come in excited and a hush descends over the class as they sit down and listen to coach Jo explain what synchro is all about.  Hearing a whole class of kids hum through their noses is so cool as they learn how to keep water out of them.  Coach Jo gives them some cool moves to try, demonstrated by Wendy in the pool.  Then it is their turn and everyone wants to show us their back layout, tub and the very exciting and achievable back tuck somersault.  Some kids have joined CAS over the weekend to try out synchro and these kids are pretty talented and very polite, can't wait to see them again and meet some more Selwyn Tamariki next week!

Come along for a free trial today?